iTrace Technologies encrypted micro-marks can be created at near nano size with the only limitation being the accuracy of the laser or printing system used to apply them.
iTrace Technologies can apply the track and trace on any solid surface including stainless steel, glass, diamond , plastic, rubber and can even be incorporated in soft goods and fabric at production line speeds.
Correctly applied iTrace Technology track and trace solutions can even survive fire and water damage helping you prevent false liability claims from counterfeit or diverted product.
With one Quadrillion or 10 to the power 15 unique combinations per user, iTrace Technologies can track and trace any number of products under a single license key.
Encryption and security are built into the iTrace Technologies solution preventing counterfeiters and diverters from reading your data and defeating your security. As the brand owner you own the keys.
Using proprietary technologies allows us to prevent mass duplication and defeat of the your security. Although the technology is proprietary we we work with all standard printing, reading and laser solutions.
Can be applied to curved or rough surfaces, supports omni-directional reading through software image recognition. Vector based decoding ensures codes can be read when dirty, defaced or partially destroyed. Forensic reconstruction available on bad reads.
Provides easy integration into SAP or other PkMS systems the solution is easy to deploy into your environment. Can be added as a layer with other technologies tying direct part marking to packaging, case and pallet with parent child relationships.